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Fashion And Copyrighting

Writer's picture: RZA Fashion Design RZA Fashion Design

Updated: Mar 26, 2023

Copyrighting is a process that involves various legal mechanisms for protecting original creations. In the fashion world, copyrighting is vital for more than just the reasons one might assume the protection of designs and ideas is perhaps just as valuable.

Fashion and copyrighting are both important in protecting your intellectual property. Several criteria must be met for your design or creation to qualify under copyright law, an internationally recognized law protecting original artistic works.

Can fashion designs be copyrighted?

Yes, fashion designs can be copyrighted, and they can be protected under both copyright and trademark law. The law takes into consideration the amount of originality in a design, as well as its recognition by consumers.

Steps on how you can protect your design work:

Here are some tips on how to protect your work from being copied and used without your permission:


Copyright protects original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated. Fashion designers use drawings or sketches to communicate their ideas to manufacturers. These drawings are called "works of visual art" and are protected under copyright law if they meet the criteria above.


Trademark law protects words, symbols, or designs that identify the source of goods or services sold in commerce. Trademarks are often used to distinguish one's goods from the goods of others. For example, a clothing designer may want to distinguish his clothing line from other designers by using a particular design on each piece of clothing he sells (e.g., a logo on the front pocket). This mark would serve as an identifier for consumers to know where their clothes are coming from when shopping at local stores or online retailers such as Amazon and eBay.

Trade secrets

One way to protect your work is by keeping it secret. If no one knows, you can't copy. So when you're working on a new design project, keep it under wraps as long as possible, especially if it's something that hasn't been done before. This can be tricky if you're doing freelance work for someone who wants to show their clients what they've developed.

Design registration

Design registration is a type of intellectual property protection that provides exclusive rights over the appearance or configuration of an industrial or commercial product registered with the government agency that oversees intellectual property rights.

Utility patents

These are the most common type of patent, and they confer protection to the invention itself. This means anyone who wanted to use your idea would need your permission.

Design patents

Design patents protect the ornamental or aesthetic aspects of an object. They are similar to copyright protection in that they protect the visual expression of an idea, but unlike copyright, they do not need to be registered with the government before being enforced against infringers.


Protecting your work can take many forms; you can protect it through contracts, copyrights, and trademarks. When you are starting to create a product or service with the intent of selling it, you should look into protecting it by using one of these forms of protection. If your idea is something that will be sold in stores or on the web, you must ensure that you have protected yourself from people stealing your ideas and making them their own. It is much easier to do this when you are just starting out because you are still coming up with your new business name, logo, and product designs. Before investing a lot of money into your logo or other designs/products, make sure they aren't already trademarked or copyrighted by someone else.

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